Australia’s ME Bank Sees Major Productivity Benefits with AppSense
*This post originally appeared on the AppSense blog prior to the rebrand in January 2017, when AppSense, LANDESK, Shavlik, Wavelink, and HEAT Software merged under the new name Ivanti.
Australia’s ME Bank has seen major productivity benefits from implementing AppSense DesktopNow to manage user environments. Reducing user logon times by one-third and reducing their IT incident rate by two-thirds as a result.
“Implementing this solution has made a lot of our problems actually go away.” Reports Kon Mellas, National Manager, IT Operations for ME Bank.
Pen testing of AppSense DesktopNow by third parties was seen as critical for ME Bank’s security policy and regulatory compliance obligations. “Where users may have had admin access to their desktops previously to install applications that is no longer the case.”
Watch ME Bank's customer story:
Keele Birney, SOE Engineer/IT Operations at ME Bank praised how easy it was to migrate users to new environments with DesktopNow.
“We used to have to constantly move users and we’d have to re-set them up on their new applications each time they moved from desk to desk, they are just able to jump from desk to desk and they are ready to go.”
ME Bank also joined the growing number of AppSense customers reducing their logon times, according to Keele.
“By only applying policy when an executable was run instead of at start up. We were able to reduce our logon times by about a third.”
“Our main advantage is that we’ve been able to keep people working. With AppSense we’ve been able to capture all their data, keep them working, and keep them online. Without AppSense we would not have been able to deliver.”
Find out what’s new in DesktopNow or schedule a free, 10-minute demo today to learn how AppSense DesktopNow can optimise user experience and reduce costs in your desktop environment.