With the first half of the year now behind us, and following our current cadence of quarterly updates, we continue to support our customers by releasing a third Identity Director update for 2020.

Where the 2020.1 release of Identity Director focused on password resets—aiming to help both users and organizations as more and more employees work from home—the current release is all about empowering the users to be in control.

We continue to incorporate the feedback received through the User Voice portal (please keep sharing). One example of a User Voice led update is the User Portal’s UX upgrade with a new and improved search functionality. Without further ado, let us see what Identity Director 2020.2 has in store:

One size doesn’t always fit all: Flexible, profile-based, password complexity policy

Should the password of a system admin be as complex as that of his coworker in Marketing? Probably not. Password complexity is not ‘one size fits all’ but unfortunately most password policies work this way.

With this new release of Ivanti Identity Director, your password complexity policy can now follow a multitude of rules for each department within your organization. The functionality provides the possibility to create distinct complexity profiles, each having their own settings. This allows both companies and managed service providers (MSP) to use the organizational structure inside Identity Director as a qualifying rule for the password policy, making the implementation flexible and adaptable to any situation. For MSP’s this means that they can define and deepen the password complexity problem per organization.  

Users choose how to verify their identity

Whether resetting their passwords or unlocking their accounts, users must go through a security verification method. This ensures the authenticity of their identity claim. Instead of putting that configuration behind the scenes and allowing the administrator of the system to choose, we now empower the user to select the verification method of choice. Starting with the 2020.2 release, users now have an array of options that include an SMS, an email or going through security questions defined at password reset enrollment.

Introducing a 1-click, tag improved, global search option

When searching through the User Portal, the default search method has always included the option to search within the current context or the current folder structure. This was due to the large number of entitlements usually available to users. However, the user experience needed an upgrade as the number of User Voice feature requests also indicated. Now, the search option in My Store is  more powerful than ever. When searching, users now have the option to search a term globally, or withing their current context with just the click of a button.

And, as a further enhancement to the User Portals’ search function, entitlements now support the addition of tags. The tags can be added directly in the Management Portal and are also visible on the entitlement details in the User Portal. This helps when users need to find an entitlement that has more than one definition throughout. Combined with the usage of global search, finding an entitlement has never been easier.

User Portal folder categories now include pictures

The UX improvements don’t just stop at search! The entitlements defined in the Management Portal can be placed in various categories to help organize them in the User Portal. For customization purposes the categories now also support pictures to be uploaded.  The picture format is square—aligning with the general design—and also supports image cropping. The cropping ability is also available when uploading an image in an Entitlement or a Person.

Enhanced qualification based on People Attributes

Have you ever faced the situation where you provided access to an application based on role, for a set of people? If the answer is yes, then this feature is for you:

Qualifications are enhanced to allow the addition of an extra criteria: people attributes. Metadata information related to identities can now be used to increase the range and flexibility entitlement management. The most used scenarios by IT - like assigning entitlements based on company roles - are accessible by defining the necessary attributes and their values inside the qualification engine of each entitlement. This allows the same attribute to be added multiple times with different values for maximum effect.

Allowing synchronization from trusted domains

Recently, our users have recognized a limitation within Identity Director’s Setup & Sync Tool: it did not allow synchronization of users from trusted domains that had been added to groups from local domains. That meant that only users from the local domain could be viewed and synced with Group Membership.

The 2020.2 release of Identity Director allows users that belong to other trusted domains/forests to be synced via local groups. This feature increases the connector capabilities of Identity Director regarding Active Directory usage and helps customers using multiple domains.

For more details on the Identity Director 2020.2 release, please check the release notes here.