Ivanti at RSA Conference: Worry Less, Relax More With an Effective Security Strategy
Nobody on their deathbed has ever said, "I wish I had spent more time at the office."
The same can be said in regards to security. "I wish I spent more time responding to security breaches," is a sentence not likely to be said by anyone, unless the person works for a security firm contracted to respond to a breach.
But for the rest of us, it just isn’t something we want to spend our time doing.
Ivanti at RSA Conference: April 16-20, San Francisco, Booth 215
That's why with RSA Conference coming up, it's a good time to evaluate your cybersecurity strategy to make sure you're building an effective foundation.
The team at Ivanti is getting ready for the show, and we would like to extend an invitation to you to stop by booth 215 to catch the latest demos of our solutions, speak to our product management team about what is coming up next on the roadmap, and enter for a chance to win a travel voucher.
While in the booth, you can relax and let your stresses drain away as we tell you about our worry-free patching, confident application control, and energetic endpoint security solutions that are sure to strengthen your cybersecurity strategy and help you spend less time at the office and focus more on a care-free vacation.