Welcome to Your Velocity vs. Chrome Campaign

Use the content provided below to get started with your own Velocity vs. Chrome campaign. And be sure to reach out to your channel rep if you need ANYTHING.

Mid-tier WMS providers, WMS providers and system Integrators - director/ supervisor operations, IT director/ manager, warehouse manager.
Use Case

An industrial browser interfaces with an existing WMS to increase productivity and minimize workflow interruption due to common challenges like missing or damaged barcodes. Velocity Industrial Browser allow WMS providers to adjust mobile workflows by adding graphics, product photos and alter specific workflows at the device level rather than making server code modifications.

Message and Challenge

While recent WMS solutions moving to cloud-based web interfaces, consumer browser DO NOT allow the WMS provider the ability to control the mobile workflow at the same level as a purpose-built Industrial Browser can in the warehouse space.

Solution Statement

Velocity is your pathway forward from legacy applications. Ivanti Velocity is the most efficient and easiest way to upgrade and deliver an application to modern mobile devices without any modification or replacement of your backend WMS systems. It’s cost-effective and enables modern features on your rugged devices that can be deployed and ready to use in minutes.

This campaign combines email marketing, PPC, and blog posts. Please feel free to use these and/or other tactics as well. If you have specific questions about how to run the campaign, please reach out to your partner representative.


This campaign combines email marketing, PPC, and blog posts. Please feel free to use these and/or other tactics as well. If you have specific questions about how to run the campaign, please reach out to your partner representative. 


  • 7 emails to send to your audience  
    • 1 Infographic, 3 Videos, 1 eBook, 1 Case Studies, 1 Demo Request
How To Use

Please feel free to use the technical documentation, community posts, or emails any way you choose, with the following exceptions: All assets will be used as CTA in emails. 

Choose from the menu of assets below. Use the content that best fits into your campaign.

Content Overview

Infographic, Videos, eBook, Case Studies, Demo Request

Content Highlights

Choose from the menu of assets below. Use the content that best fits your campaign.

Additional Campaign Assets


  1. Velocity vs. Chrome Infographic - Improve warehouse productivity with an Industrial Browser
  2. Velocity vs. Chrome Video- Top 5 Challenges that Hinder Warehouse Productivity
  3. JJ Keller Case Study - Improve voice-enablement of SAP EWM workflows
  4. Disconnect Between Management and Warehouse Workers Video Clip - An industrial browser will help with warehouse operations
  5. Future Proofing With Velocity - Learn why consumer based browsers are not meant for warehouse workers
  6. Velocity Video - Are your warehouse task workers being left behind?
  7. Velocity Demo Request - Ready to improve your warehouse productivity with Velocity Web?