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June Patch Tuesday

10. Juni 2020

Thesun isshining,your new vegetable garden is growing.That’s right, it'ssummerinthe Northern Hemisphere. As life blooms around us,June Patch Tuesdayresolved 129 CVEs, 11 of which were rated as Critical.The remaining98 can be resolved by deploying browser and OS updates.There is a critical CVE fix for Adobe’s Flash Player as well.Windows 10 2004 has been available forjust overtwo weeksnow; alot of light has been shone on known issues there. Take note ofan advisory from US-CERTon apatchpreviously deployed in Marchrelated to aMicrosoftbug fix(CVE-2020-0796). Make sure your systems arepatched to avoid thisstormas there are now active exploits available.

Chris Goettl
Vice President, Product Management, Security
Todd Schell
Product Manager for Patch
Brian Secrist
Staff Quality Assurance Engineer