Version February 2024 PDF available here
Our customers mean everything to us. Your needs are topmost on our priority list. We want to know if we are providing the product features and support you expect and encourage your participation in our active product communities. Product communities and the Ivanti Product Advisory Council (PAC) have had and will continue to have substantial influence on us; in particular, our product feature roadmap, integration and connectivity, and the service components of our Ivanti Support Offerings that you tell us would help you solve business challenges and make your job more productive.
We are committed to your success. Our Maintenance/Support offerings are designed to help protect and maximise your investment in Ivanti solutions.
This document will guide you through the processes and procedures involved with successfully renewing Maintenance/Support and selecting the Support Offering that is best for your Ivanti on-premise, subscription or SaaS software licences.
Ivanti may amend this document at any time and shall update it periodically to reflect changes in business practices and policies as we strive to continually add value to the Maintenance/Support offerings we make available to our customers.
Ivanti sells its software as perpetual, subscription or SaaS (Software as a Service) licence models. Each model varies slightly in terms of the licence grant and your usage rights if your annual Maintenance/Support renewal agreement expires. The key differences are explained here:
Ivanti has multiple Maintenance/Support options from which to select. Just prior to your renewal is a good time to re-evaluate your support requirements and determine if the same or a different plan would be best for you in the upcoming year, depending on your planned and upcoming projects such as roll-out of the Ivanti solutions to additional locations/users or upgrades to the latest software products.
For details and more information on Maintenance/Support options from Ivanti, go to
Ivanti’s Maintenance/Support business has been designed to provide a world-class set of Support Offerings to assist you in leveraging your investment in Ivanti solutions. We adhere to a set of renewal practices in order to provide these services to you in a consistent and quality manner, no matter where your business is located.
Customers must provide ninety (90) days’ written notice of cancellation prior to the end of term of outlined in their quote or as otherwise specified in the EULSA.
As agreed in your End User Licence and Services Agreement (EULSA) and supplemental support terms, fees for Maintenance/Support, Subscription and SaaS licences shall be paid in advance of the upcoming renewal term. As a convenience to you, Ivanti offers flexibility in the method of renewal and payment. To ensure continuity of support for you and your users and timely payment and collection of fees due in advance, please choose the approach that works best for you:
Renewal Option 1 - DocuSign: Many of Ivanti’s customers prefer the ease of use of DocuSign to renew your Maintenance/Support term. To learn more about DocuSign: FAQ for DocuSign
Renewal Option 2 - Purchase Order: A purchase order represents a promise to pay. To ensure timely payment, the purchase order is due to Ivanti 30 days in advance of the Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS contract End Date.
Payment Options: Credit card (US only – fees may apply), wire transfer, ACH or check.
Although payment is due by the Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS contract End Date, Ivanti only applies late fees to renewals where payment is not received by the Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS End Date.
Customers must provide ninety (90) days’ written notice of cancellation prior to the end of term of outlined in their quote or as otherwise specified in the EULSA.
In the unlikely event that your Maintenance/Support or Subscription or SaaS term lapses for any period due to non-renewal or failure to pay applicable fees when due, you will lose your rights to continue using the software (Subscription and SaaS licence models), and you will lose all related entitlement to Maintenance/Support (Perpetual, Subscription and SaaS licence models).
The rights to continue using the Subscription and SaaS software, and Maintenance/Support may be reinstated, but only upon payment of applicable reinstatement fees and other requirements as described below.
For perpetual based licences, you may continue to use the software continuously covered under Maintenance/Support according to the policy outlined below in Section 5 – ‘All or Nothing Support’.
Maintenance/Support, Subscription, SaaS: You will be required to pay for the lapsed period (also known as Back Maintenance) of Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS plus a reinstatement fee equal to 10% of the total Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS fee. The Start Date will remain the same, which is the day following the End Date of the prior Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS term.
Should the lapsed period extend beyond 3 months, the Start Date will reset to the current date, the annual Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS fee for the coming 12 months will be due, and Back Maintenance and Reinstatement Fee will also be charged.
You have the option to renew your licence subscription and/or maintenance annually after the subscription and/or maintenance terminates at Ivanti’s then prevailing licence subscription and/or maintenance fee or as otherwise agreed. You should budget for an uplift each year, which will automatically be applied to your renewal quote.
Renewals for Ivanti Maintenance/Support, Subscription and SaaS are generally sold in increments of 12 months. You may purchase a renewal in one-year increments or multi-year increments for your Ivanti software products. The duration of a multi-year renewal term will depend on the applicable software product, with up to three years generally available for most of Ivanti’s software products.
Note: Availability of Maintenance/Support is subject to the Ivanti End of Life Policy.
Option 1: Pre-paid multi-year renewal: Multi-year renewals, such as a two- or three-year term, where the total fee is paid up front, may reduce or eliminate the annual renewal fee increase during the years of the multi-year renewal term.
Option 2: Multi-year renewal paid on or before the start of each twelve-month period: Multi-year renewals where the fee is paid annually will be considered for a reduction in the standard annual renewal fee increase. The reduction will vary depending on the number of committed renewal years. You are required to provide a PO covering the entire term of the multi-year commitment, but you will be invoiced on an annual basis.
All multi-year commitments are non-cancellable and non-refundable.
Maintenance and Support, Subscription, SaaS must be renewed for the total number of licences of the applicable Ivanti software product(s) owned. Ivanti does not allow the partial renewal of Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS for any Ivanti software product(s).
Reduction of Licence Use Exception Policy
If you desire to utilise the dropped licences at a future date, you will be required to pay applicable Back Maintenance Fees plus Reinstatement Fees, and to purchase Maintenance/Support, Subscription or SaaS for at least one additional year from the date of re-activation for those licences.
If you have purchased Ivanti software products with Maintenance/Support or purchased SaaS and Subscription licences at different times resulting in multiple EULSA’s or quotes with different end dates, it may be possible to align terms to a single renewal date for ease of future renewals. This process is referred to as “co-termination.” Your Ivanti Renewal Account Manager will co-term your renewals at the first renewal of the calendar year unless instructed otherwise. Please contact your Renewal Account Manager for more information.
One of the important entitlements that is inherent in your Maintenance/Support, Subscription, SaaS is the right to new versions of the Ivanti software product you have licenced.If Ivanti has two different products with similar functionality and purpose, Ivanti may permit you to migrate to the other product; like-for-like without paying a licence fee.
Ivanti does not permit changing of currency due to Foreign Exchange Rate (FX) preference.Changes for other business reasons must reviewed and approved by the Global VP of Ivanti Renewals.
We want you to have an uninterrupted experience with your Ivanti Software products, so your organisation and users always have the benefits of Ivanti Maintenance/Support, Subscription, SaaS. There are a few easy steps that you should follow for a simple, on time renewal (listed below).
Maintenance/Support: Product software upgrades, updates, minor enhancements, corrections, fixes and patches, and technical support provided per your Ivanti Software licence(s) according to the Ivanti End User Licence and Services Agreement. More detailed support terms may be found at
Your business is important to us. Thank you for being our customer. We would like to hear from you if you have suggestions to further improve our interaction with you, or the Maintenance/Support and their associated service components. If you have any questions or queries, please contact your Ivanti Renewal Account Manager.