Device Uptime Monitor

Devices staying up too late? Give 'em a rest.

What it does: Monitor uptime for all the devices in your environment, allowing you to get a consistent and real-time view of which devices are stable and up to speed and which ones are slacking on updates.

When to use it: The bot will detect devices that have been running uninterrupted for over a week and automatically trigger reboots for those devices, allowing them to process new patches, restore default settings, and close potential gaps in your security posture.

device uptime monitor bot

Much like the Disk Encryption Monitor bot, Ivanti customers tailor the Device Uptime Monitor bot to alert them in the format and frequency that they need: it can send analysts a scheduled update or go straight to filing a helpdesk ticket for cases that need human intervention.

Setup Time: 5-10 min.

Use Case: Cyber Hygiene

Recommended: Cyber Hygiene Bots

Disk Encryption Monitor

Find the devices that are missing disk encryption.

Security Health Check

Run a basic security check on any device in your environment.

Antivirus Compliance

Ensure all of your devices are antivirus compliant.