woman reading on a tablet

Ivanti helps you secure their world

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024 encourages individuals to “Secure Your World” with four tips for online safety. At Ivanti, we help the security community shape a more secure world for everyone with products that are secure by design.

Four ways to secure their world

Employee behavior is only the first line of defense. Savvy security teams use technology to reinforce desired behaviors and create additional layers of defense.

Tip #1: Recognize and report phishing

Implement mobile threat defense

How you can secure their world: phishing is a perennial threat — and advanced techniques make it more difficult than ever to detect. Back up employee phishing training with mobile security technology that identifies and blocks phishing attempts in real time.

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45% of security and IT professionals believe phishing threats will become more dangerous due to generative AI.

Source: 2024 Cybersecurity report

Tip #2: Use strong passwords

Back up passwords with least-access principles

How you can secure their world: passwords are a regular source of frustration for employees — and that makes them the perfect target for hackers. A zero trust network access solution that enforces least-access privileges adds a crucial layer of defense even after credentials have been compromised.

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28% of office workers are frustrated by security protocols requiring them to change passwords.

Source: Securing the Digital Employee Experience report

Tip #3: Turn on multi-factor authentication

Enforce minimum security requirements with UEM

How you can secure their world: employees may know that setting up MFA is the right thing to do, but sometimes security takes a back seat to convenience. Take that decision out of their hands with an endpoint management strategy that enforces minimum security requirements.

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Only 33% of organizations currently require users to use multi-factor authentication.

Source: Securing the Digital Employee Experience report

Tip #4: Ensure your software is up to date

Push updates remotely with UEM

How you can secure their world: hitting “remind me later” is second nature when there’s other work to be done. By pushing updates remotely, security teams can make sure employees are using the most secure versions of the software and operating systems they rely on.

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33% of security professionals cite insufficient system updates as an increased security risk from remote work.

Source: 2024 SUEM report

Research Report

Securing the Digital Employee Experience

Poor security experiences and cumbersome technology lead to poor security hygiene. Ivanti’s new research report explores the intersection of security and the employee experience — a critical lens for security leaders to look through.

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Securing your world goes far beyond the basics, like strong passwords. It requires creating a mindset where every interaction and request is scrutinized. Trust should be earned through verification. Social engineers often exploit trust, fear, and urgency, so pausing, thinking critically, and challenging assumptions are crucial before acting.
Tyler Cohen Wood


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