Preventing Risk Exposure
Victorian residents in Australia rely on the Department of Transport (formally VicRoads) to provide license and registration services, implement road safety strategies, develop sustainable transport options, and manage a road network spanning over 52,000 kilometers.
Employing approximately 4,300 people, the Department of Transport was at risk. Its agile workforce depends on more than 4,500 devices across 92 sites, but a large number of employees had full admin privileges on devices due to business support requirements and the applications they utilised. On top of that, employees were using an array of unapproved applications and there were no clear controls to manage employee application access.
The Department of Transport needed to quickly minimize its risk exposure while complying with the Australian Signals Directorate’s (ASD’s) top 4 recommended cybersecurity controls: implementing application whitelisting, patching operating systems and applications, and minimizing admin privileges.