Embracing the cloud is crucial for organizations seeking flexible ways to store and manage applications and complex data without being tied to a local device and single location.  

Cloud migration has many compelling benefits, including: 

  • Saving costs by eliminating significant upfront investments in hardware.  
  • Reducing ongoing maintenance costs.  
  • Supporting the pay-as-you-go SaaS model. 
  • Empowering businesses to scale resources up or down based on demand. 
  • Optimizing infrastructure spend.  

Cloud benefits fueling adoption 

For overburdened IT teams, cloud adoption enhances flexibility and agility, enabling faster deployment of applications and services. It also offers robust security features, automatic updates and disaster-recovery options, ensuring data integrity and business continuity.  

The cloud supports collaboration and remote work by providing access to data and applications from anywhere, fostering innovation and productivity. Enterprise cloud migration is expected to continue growing steadily through this year. According to IDC, worldwide spending on public cloud services is forecast to reach $805 billion in 2024 and double by 2028.  

Accelerated cloud adoption is driven by the increasing obsolescence of on-premises solutions and desire for improved security. This trend isn't limited to commercial enterprises. The U.S. government has implemented the Cloud Smart strategy to provide federal agencies with practical guidance to fully leverage cloud technologies while ensuring secure and efficient implementation. Additionally, Executive Order 14028 requires using secure cloud services, zero trust architecture, multifactor authentication and encryption to enhance cybersecurity. These initiatives are designed to modernize IT infrastructure, improve service delivery and ensure the security of federal data and systems. 

Key drivers of cloud migrations 

Because of its scalability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness, the cloud is particularly well-suited for specific applications, including: 

  • Web apps: Cloud infrastructure supports dynamic scaling, making it ideal for web applications that experience variable traffic. 
  • SaaS and streaming services: Ubiquitous platforms like Netflix and Spotify use the cloud to deliver on-demand content seamlessly to millions of users. 
  • Collaboration tools: Applications like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 enable real-time collaboration and remote work. 
  • Software development and testing: Developers can quickly set up and tear down environments, facilitating agile development practices. 
  • Disaster recovery: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions offer quick recovery times and cost savings compared to traditional methods. 
  • Data storage and backup: Cloud services offer reliable and scalable storage solutions, ensuring data is accessible and secure. 
  • Big-data analytics: The cloud provides access to the computational power needed to process and analyze large datasets efficiently. 

Cloud migration security challenges and solutions 

Migrating to the cloud offers many benefits – but also comes with security considerations. Establishing a careful balance between security and accessibility in the cloud is essential for protecting business-critical applications and data while ensuring an optimal user experience.  

Organizations can deploy these five strategies to balance robust security with accessibility requirements: 

1. Adopt a zero-trust approach to security

This model assumes that threats could be external and internal and requires strict verification and continuous authentication for every access request. With proper implementation, zero trust can provide seamless access without compromising security. 

2. Use role-based access control

This limits access to cloud resources based on defined user roles, reduces the risk of unauthorized access and simplifies access management

3. Automate security processes

Automation consistently applies security policies for instant threat response. Automation also eliminates time-consuming and error-prone manual processes. This reduces the workload for security teams so they focus on more strategic tasks.  

4. Implement multifactor authentication

MFA adds a layer of security by making users provide two or more verification factors to access protected cloud resources. Modern MFA solutions, such as biometric authentication, can be fast and user-friendly. 

5. Deploy continuous monitoring and incident response

This helps security teams detect and respond to incidents in real time. Automated alerts and responses can mitigate threats and eliminate dwell time while reducing user disruption. 

Despite its continued adoption, cloud computing may not be preferable to an on-premises solution for certain use cases. For example, industries with strict, highly specialized data security and compliance requirements, like banking and insurance, often favor on-premises solutions to maintain complete control over their data. Organizations requiring extremely low data latency, including those using supercomputing or specific bare-metal hardware, may also find on-premises solutions more practical. And when there are concerns about internet dependency, on-prem deployments are preferred since they are rarely disrupted by internet outages. 

Ultimately, the decision to migrate to the cloud depends on your specific needs and context. On-premises infrastructure and software may be your preference if you require physical control and isolation. However, if you need flexibility, scalability and secure “anywhere” deployment, cloud is the way to go.  

Learn about cloud migration solutions 

Ivanti Neurons for Zero Trust Access (ZTA) integrates least privilege access, role-based access control, encryption, and user and entity behavior analytics for anomaly detection in a unified solution to protect enterprise cloud applications, data and devices from unauthorized access and malicious threats. 

You can combine ZTA with other cloud-enabled security solutions on the Ivanti Neurons platform, including Neurons for risk-based vulnerability management and multifactor authentication. Doing so provides your organization with secure access to private, cloud and SaaS apps anytime, anywhere.