Cybersecurity Awareness Month, now in its 18th year, is an opportunity to highlight the continually escalating conflict that is, for the most part, hidden from the public – unless it becomes media-worthy. Every day, those who are responsible for security (IT staff, threat and security analysts to CISOs) face new challenges. Digital transformation has accelerated at hyperspeed because organizations are focused on adjusting to COVID-19 disruptions. And that’s not the only dynamic changing the threat landscape and driving a need for a different approach to security and risk management.

Those with malicious intentions have an easier time targeting and disrupting than ever before. Conflicts have moved from geographies into cyberspace. We’re seeing rampant activity from ransomware families and threat actors associated with APT groups attributed to nation-states – and even some for-hire.

As a baseline, all businesses should consider that they are working in a hostile environment. That means being concerned with their attack surface, risk exposure, and whether their security controls are effective. This is not necessarily because they are a specific target, but rather because they’re part of a broader ecosystem that adversaries are targeting. Finance, telecommunications, and healthcare have always been targets for the monetary value of their data. Now the ecosystem is broadening. Industries that previously felt immune are no longer protected. Today we’re seeing such wide-ranging industries as meat-processing plants, schools, and regional transportation services coming to a halt because of ransomware attacks. It feels different because it is different. And yet we still don’t know the whole story. The number of organizations experiencing breaches is not widely publicized (for PR, logistical, and a host of other reasons), and it can be assumed that breaches occur even more frequently than the estimated reports.

Adversaries are automating, and ransomware as a service is accelerating the speed at which one point of exposure, or a lapse in a security control, can bring down a business. You could consider this collateral damage of doing business in a hostile cyber environment, letting your guard down, or being unprepared for changes in the threat landscape. Or you could take action.

There is a Norwegian proverb that says, ‘There is no such thing as bad weather’ just bad clothing.’ Ivanti continues to provide the solutions that secure and protect business and the Everywhere Workplace. This includes addressing the rapidly evolving challenges of business in this hostile cyber landscape.  

The need is constant – it certainly doesn’t wait for this month – but Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an opportunity for everyone to evaluate their situation and get up to speed on what they need to thrive in – not just survive – this new business landscape. We’re glad to have the chance to educate about the latest cybersecurity challenges and ways to overcome them.

Make sure to check out the Ivanti blog each week in October. Ivanti will be bringing out new materials designed to inform our prospects, customers and partners on the best ways to navigate the security space with the most value and protection available. From endpoint security to vulnerability management to network security and more, Ivanti has you covered. Here are just a few of the items we have planned:

Week of October 4th

-New survey results


Week of October 11th

-Examining phish and ransomware

-Patch Tuesday Webinar series

Week of October 18th

-Knowledge quizzes

-Interviews with Ivanti senior security professionals

Week of October 25th

-Watch for something new!

Ivanti secures the Everywhere Workplace. Learn how our world-class solutions blend hyperautomation and leading-edge protection for the simple, powerful answers your IT team is looking for.

Thanks for recognizing Cybersecurity Awareness Month with us!