Sustainability has shifted from being a trendy, “nice-to-have" option for companies to a mandatory core business strategy for remaining relevant and competitive.

Over 40% of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector's carbon emissions are tied directly to IT assets, according to the World Bank. So, these organizations are actively seeking ways to curb their environmental impact and to reduce energy costs without sacrificing operational efficiency.

One powerful yet often overlooked tool in this quest is IT Asset Management (ITAM). By strategically managing IT assets throughout their lifecycle, organizations improve their sustainability outcomes, corporate reputation and reduce energy spending.

Understanding digital carbon footprint

A carbon footprint is a measurement of the total amount of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), released into the atmosphere because of the activities from a particular individual or organization. It's typically quantified in tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), which includes direct emissions from energy consumption and indirect emissions from the lifecycle of goods and services.

A digital carbon footprint refers to the greenhouse gas emissions specifically caused by the use of digital devices, internet services and data centers plus emissions from manufacturing and disposal. For organizations, a high digital carbon footprint can lead to increased operational costs due to inefficient energy use, potential penalties for non-compliance with environmental regulations and damage to the company’s reputation.

On the other hand, organizations that manage and reduce their emissions can benefit from cost savings, an improved brand reputation and access to new market opportunities. IT organizations have a need to show leadership in how they can support companies' environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives, and ITAM can contribute to that.

The role of IT Asset Management in digital carbon footprint

ITAM helps companies reduce their digital carbon footprint by tracking, managing and improving the footprint of their IT assets over their entire lifecycle. This practice encompasses everything from hardware and software to licenses and contracts, ensuring that every asset is utilized efficiently and effectively. By providing a comprehensive overview of an organization's IT landscape, ITAM lays the groundwork for strategic decision-making that aligns with sustainability goals.

ITAM serves as a central point to track and minimize carbon output by providing a comprehensive understanding of the carbon contribution of IT assets. Research has shown that e-waste is a major contributor to global emissions, accounting for roughly 6% of total emissions. By effectively managing the lifecycle of assets, ITAM allows organizations to extend the life of existing resources and defer new purchases, thereby reducing the environmental impact associated with procurement and disposal.

ITAM also plays a significant role in promoting sustainability within an organization. By providing a wholistic view of an organization's carbon footprint, ITAM can analyze and provide informed decisions about hardware and software upgrades. This includes suggestions like the greater adoption of eco-friendly hardware, the implementation of green software solutions and more effective management of e-waste.

Additionally, ITAM may support compliance with environmental regulations by maintaining accurate records of asset disposal and recycling, ensuring that businesses adhere to legal requirements and avoid penalties. By integrating ITAM with a digital employee experience platform, organizations can also inform employees about their carbon footprint and offer suggestions for reduction. This fosters a community-driven approach to carbon reduction, engaging everyone in the sustainability effort.

ITAM: A strategic tool for cutting your digital carbon footprint

ITAM is more than just a solution for managing the financial aspect of IT assets; it’s a strategic approach to holistically optimize the value of IT assets, including the option to significantly reduce a business's digital carbon footprint.

By leveraging the capabilities of ITAM, organizations can achieve a balance between operational efficiency and environmental sustainability. Through careful tracking, analysis and optimization, ITAM empowers businesses to take proactive steps towards a greener future, benefiting both the environment and the bottom line.

Learn how Ivanti Neurons for ITAM can help you track and reduce your organization's carbon footprint.