Greetings. In case you were wondering, “ICYMI” is short for “in case you missed it.” And this is a weekly digest of recent news, events, and content in and around Ivanti and We hope you find it both interesting and useful. Let us know via email to – and thanks!

In the News

Team Building, Bike Building, and Giving Back at Ivanti!

OnSide is a charity in the UK that works with underprivileged youth. The organization provides activities and learning programs that let young people from 8 to 19 years of age socialize safely and positively.

Ivanti’s User Workspace Management engineers and product managers in Daresbury decided to support OnSide in a fun, unique way. They divided themselves into teams, each of which was “allocated a workshop area with tool kit, bike stand, and a partly assembled bike.” Each team then had to assign a specific skill to each team member, and attend workshops or participate in challenges to fill any knowledge or resource gaps. Each team then had to submit a build plan for approval, build a working bicycle, and, of course, have it certified by an engineer before donating it to OnSide.

Read the great blog post by Hannah Curtis to learn more about the exercise, the results, and the reactions of some of the lucky bicycle recipients. Then, learn more about Ivanti’s community involvement efforts – and maybe get involved in some community involvement yourself!

Connect with us on social media and never miss an update!

Blog Posts

Coming Up

  • Sunday, Aug. 27 – Thursday, Aug. 31, Memphis, TN: NASTD Annual Conference & Technology Showcase – join Ivanti at the annual conference of the National Association of State Technology Directors.
  • Monday, August 28 – Friday, Sept. 1, Las Vegas, NV: VMworld – stop by booth #811 to check out our solutions for data center security, then head over to our Relaxation Lounge for a complimentary massage!
  • Wednesday, Aug. 30, online: The 4 Keys for World Class ITSM – join Ivanti Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives Kevin J. Smith and Senior Marketing Specialist David Martinez for a lively, informative webinar on getting service management right at your enterprise.
  • Thursday, Aug. 31, Sacramento, CA: Data Connectors Tech-Security Strategies Conference – join Ivanti Sales Engineering Manager Rene Anthony Gonzalez for his presentation, “Defense in depth, sense in breadth.” Bring your questions!
  • Thursday, Aug. 31, online: 3 Ways to Tighten Security with Endpoint Management – join Ivanti Product Manager Jason Forsgren and Principal Product Manager Eran Livne as they present findings and insights inspired by recent research from Enterprise Management Associates® (EMA™).

We hope to see and talk with you at one or more of these events, in person or online. Make sure to share these opportunities with your colleagues, and to check the Ivanti Events Calendar for updates.