The ICYMI Weekly Round-Up: October 2–6, 2017
Greetings. In case you were wondering, “ICYMI” is short for “in case you missed it.” And this is a weekly digest of recent news, events, and content in and around Ivanti and We hope you find it both interesting and useful. Let us know via email to – and thanks!
This Week’s Big News: GDPR!
Two of this week’s blog posts incorporate Ivanti’s latest guidance on something for which we’ve been helping clients prepare for some time now. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is due to come into effect in May 2018. This new regulation requires specific protections for personally identifiable information (PII), timely notification of compromise of that information, and steep fines for non-compliance. And while the GDPR is a European Union (EU) regulation, it applies to EU citizens wherever they may be. Which means it applies to any company that does business with any EU citizens, anywhere in the world.
Effective PII protection requires modern, multi-layered processes and solutions for cybersecurity, including rapid, comprehensive remediation of and recovery from successful attacks. The GDPR therefore presents both significant challenges and significant opportunities for enterprises to “up their games” where cybersecurity and IT are concerned.
Check out this week’s two posts on GDPR, using the links below. Take our 10-minute, interactive, online GDPR Risk Assessment. Then, get in touch with Ivanti. Let’s discuss how our solutions for asset, security, and endpoint management can help you get your enterprise “GDPR-ready,” more agile, and more competitive.
Blog Posts of the Week
- UEM Is Dead. UEM Is Reborn. UEM Was Just Misunderstood. Long Live UEM! – Simon Townsend, Ivanti Chief Technologist, EMEA, ruminates on the evolution of user environment management into unified endpoint management.
- Fusion 17 to Feature Ivanti’s Speakers (and Solutions) with a Vision – a mini-preview of sessions presented by Ivanti’s own Matt Hooper and Kevin J. Smith, and a look at the ideas behind their presentations.
- What Is GDPR? Here’s What You Need to Know – an introduction to the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation, and to the Ivanti GDPR Risk Assessment.
- GDPR Compliance: 5 Security Strategies – five key security requirements for compliance with the GDPR, and how Ivanti can help.
- 5 Money-Saving Tips for Software Management – tips designed to help your enterprise avoid over-licensing – and over-working.
- The Ivanti Threat Thursday Update for October 5, 2017: When “POS” Means “Perfect Opportunity to Steal” – another major point-of-sale (POS) system breach, a new tool for fighting payment card fraud, and more.
- Introducing Ivanti Automation 10.2 – details of the first Ivanti feature update to the former RES ONE Automation solution.
- Patch Tuesday Forecast for October – recommendations to help you prepare for this month’s Patch Tuesday announcements.
- Interchange IT Podcast: 5 Things You’ll Love About Ivanti’s Upcoming Podcast – a “sneak peek” at what is sure to be your “go-to” podcast.
Coming Up This Week
- Sunday, Oct. 8 – Thursday, Oct. 12, Dubai, UAE: Gitex Technology Week.
- Tuesday, Oct. 10 in Austin, TX and Wednesday, Oct. 11 in Dallas, TX – Ivanti Connect – cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, spirited discussion, and the latest Ivanti solutions.
- Tuesday, Oct. 10 – Thursday, Oct. 12, Sydney, Australia: ASIA National Conference – join Ivanti and your peers at the premier annual meeting of the Australian Information Security Association.
- Tuesday, Oct. 10 – Thursday, Oct. 12, Nuremberg, Germany: it-sa - The IT Security Expo and Congress – network with your peers and see Ivanti’s latest security solutions. (Klicken Sie hier für die Seite auf Deutsch.)
- Tuesday, Oct. 10, Online: What's New in Ivanti Endpoint Manager & Endpoint Security for Endpoint Manager 2017.3 – the latest enhancements to these Ivanti solutions, including a ServiceNow connector, auto-remediation of malware, and more.
- Wednesday, Oct. 11 – Saturday, Oct. 14, Monaco: Les Assises de la Sécurité – your peers, workshops, roundtables, and Ivanti’s security solutions at the 17th edition of this
- Wednesday, Oct. 11 – Friday, Oct. 13, Glasgow, UK: National Information Security Conference (NISC) – peer interactions and connections, thought-provoking discussions, and Ivanti’s latest security solutions.
- Wednesday, Oct. 11 – Thursday, Oct. 12, Stockholm, Sweden: E-Förvaltningsdagarna (eGovernment Days) 2017 – see, learn, and share about electronic delivery of government services.
- Wednesday, Oct. 11, London, UK: SDI Software Showcase – join Ivanti and your industry colleagues at this Service Desk Institute event.
- Wednesday, Oct. 11, Online: How to Demonstrate Business Value / Bonnes pratiques pour démontrer la valeur de l'IT – how better reporting and dashboards can improve IT’s ability to measure and demonstrate business value (in English or French.)
- Thursday, Oct. 12, Wood Dale, IL: Ivanti Partner Days 2017 – food, drink, golf tips, conviviality, and a guided tour of the Velocity MOMS Framework.
- Thursday, Oct. 12, Online: Get Ready for the EU GDPR 2018 – join Ivanti Channel Manager Valentine Cambier to learn how best to prepare for the General Data Protection Regulation (in German).
- Friday, Oct. 13, Online: Defense-in-Depth statt Security Einzellösungen – how to move beyond legacy point solutions and deliver comprehensive, effective endpoint security (in German).
We hope to see and talk with you at one or more of these events, in person or online. Make sure to share these opportunities with your colleagues, and to check the Ivanti Events Calendar for updates.