*This post originally appeared on the AppSense blog prior to the rebrand in January 2017, when AppSense, LANDESK, Shavlik, Wavelink, and HEAT Software merged under the new name Ivanti.


“User Environment Management (UEM) is fast becoming an essential part of the overall framework designed to simplify and enhance users’ desktop experience across all architecture.” So states TechTarget in the recent whitepaper, “Choosing Your User Environment Management Solutions.” At AppSense we’ve long known this to be true, but with today’s increasing focus on the value of user productivity, UEM is even more essential than ever.

For organizations looking to embrace a UEM solution, this new whitepaper is a valuable read. It outlines the key issues involved in prioritizing what to look for in a third-party UEM solution and examines four UEM suppliers, their solutions and how well they address six key requirements. These six core feature areas include:

  • Personalization
  • Policy
  • Privileges/security
  • User environment analytics
  • Performance
  • File sync-and-share

Each capability is defined in the context of how it addresses the rapidly shifting context of the user and how each contribute to simplifying new initiatives including workforce mobility, endpoint security and scalability to support hundreds of thousands of users.

Finally, the TechTarget paper provides a detailed supplier overview and comparison of UEM solutions. It points to the fact that UEM needs to be an effective combination of these six functions and that while some vendors may do a good job providing one or a handful of capabilities, the ideal solution delivers an integrated offering for all six capabilities. Who does it best? AppSense.

“AppSense is the only platform that addresses all six major UEM capabilities: profile, policy, privileges/security, personalization, performance and analytics…” says TechTarget in the whitepaper report. “Only AppSense delivers on the promise and potential of UEM. AppSense enables user environment management in all six areas – individually and collectively – to create what has now become a mission-critical capability for productivity, security and performance management. Whether your users’ client systems are physical, virtual or in the cloud, AppSense provides the richest, most secure and most flexible approach to user environment management.”