Ensuring that people with disabilities can connect with Ivanti to learn about its solutions is an important job. And that’s where Ivanti’s Travis Frazier comes in.  

His work led to Ivanti's website earning accessibility compliance in May, graduating from “semi-compliant” to “compliant” using the webtool accessScan.

In Travis’s third year as a front-end web developer, he’s been instrumental in improving accessibility to Ivanti’s website for those with disabilities. Some of those improvements include: 

  • Optimizing Ivanti’s website for keyboard navigation alongside mouse usage.  
  • Enhancing accessibility for visually impaired users by adding descriptive alt attributes to images.  
  • Incorporating the appropriate ARIA roles and attributes on HTML elements where necessary. 

The culture of innovation at Ivanti “pushes me to think creatively and explore multiple approaches to accessibility,” Travis said. “This enables me to experiment with different strategies and tools to achieve optimal results across our site. Additionally, the trust and flexibility provided to me by my manager enables me to take a great sense of ownership in my work.” 

CurbCuts: Ivanti's Accessibility Club

Feedback about these improvements has been positive. 
“We have received encouraging results from various outside resources that have tested our site,” Travis noted. “[Senior Director of Recruitment] Ron Fish has been our key point of contact regarding accessibility testing and has relayed good remarks from the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Utah (DSBVI).”  

Following feedback from the Utah DSBVI, “we adjusted our careers and events pages to improve screen reader compatibility, braille display and keyboard navigation,” Travis continued. “Our work around this has even gotten us nominated for the Golden Key Award in Utah.” 
In terms of measuring the success of those improvements, “We’ve just got the thumbs up from a third-party automated accessibility checker for some of our key pages. Those results are very encouraging to our efforts.” 

Travis brings to Ivanti a keen sense of the power of collaboration and mentorship to achieve great outcomes. 

Headshot Travis Frazier

“A defining moment that prepared me for my current role was when I was immersed in a complex development environment in a previous job. With the guidance of a skilled senior developer who also became a friend, I quickly adapted and honed my skills. This experience taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of mentorship in professional growth.” 

Not only is Travis making Ivanti’s information more accessible to viewers with disabilities, he makes his Ivanti coworkers more efficient with his contributions to Ivanti’s project management application and online task request site.

“What inspires me each day is wanting to support my family, along with the satisfaction of working at a company I genuinely enjoy. Lastly, having good coworkers who create a positive work environment adds to my motivation.”