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关于 Chris Goettl

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Chris Goettl is the Vice President of Product Management for security products at Ivanti. Chris has over 15 years of experience working in IT, where he supports and implements security solutions for Ivanti customers and guides the security strategy and vision for Ivanti security products. He is also a security evangelist speaking at security events globally where he gives guidance around modern cyber threats and how to combat them effectively. Chris hosts a monthly webinar focusing on Patch Tuesday and security vulnerabilities, and frequently blogs about security topics. You can find bylines and commentary from Chris in notable security news sources like SC Magazine, Redmond Magazine, ComputerWorld, ThreatPost, Help Net Security, and more.

Chris Goettl作者

安全威胁与日俱增,2019 年监管力度亟待加强

2018 年,数据泄露事件频发,且尚无转好的迹象。数起大规模泄露事件撼动全球,最终促成了 GDPR 等更严苛隐私法规的顺利出台,以及《2018 年加州消费者隐私法案》等相关举措。可以肯定的是,在 2019 年,数据泄露问题并不会消失匿迹。而与此同时,更多隐私法律有望出台,帮助受影响用户了解自身面临的种种威胁,同时敦促企业更加关注安全性,全力保护客户数据,并在必要时承担相应责任。 Ivanti 的安全产品竭力帮助客户减少甚至消除经常导致数据泄露的安全事件。在 2019 年,您可以参考以下建议,以便改善安全性,并杜绝安全事件的发生: 持续推进漏洞管理,弥补安全缺口。大多数漏洞管理计划均…
