Endpoint Security Concerns: Move Your Desktops Back Inside the "Castle Walls"
Find out why desktop cybersecurity is essential with tips on how to move your endpoints back inside the castle walls.
Find out why desktop cybersecurity is essential with tips on how to move your endpoints back inside the castle walls.
Over the last couple of weeks, the EUC community has been buzzing with tweets, blogs, and news that some vendors now support cloud-friendly storage options in their profile management solutions.
UEM, UWM, so many acronyms but what do they really mean? Constant advances in technology have challenged how we see User Environment Management throughout the years. Find out what we at Ivanti think about what UEM really means.
Change can sometimes be scary but for Ivanti change means progress. Learn about the changes we have recently made and how it will benefit you as a customer. Change is good!
You’ll find news about the Windows 10 migration pretty much everywhere. From tips to steps to take to simplify the transition, the information is abundant. Have you made the transition yet? If you haven’t, let us enlighten you with some history that will hopefully change your mindset.
Where should you focus your prevention and protection systems for your organization? Ivanti discusses the threat from within and what that means instead of focusing efforts to prevent outside intrusion.
This is part one of a two-part series discussion on AppSense and cloudhouse. This first part is all about personalization and it contains a step by step guide on how to configure AppSense to secure, configure, and personalize all applications delivered by Cloudhouse.