Device Experience Survey

How are your devices running? Ask your users.

What it does: If you want to know what your users are experiencing on their devices, you have to ask them. That sentiment data is great to have, but it can be time-consuming to gather. That’s where the Device Experience Survey bot comes in, fully automating every aspect of the survey you design.

When to use it: Schedule a regular check-in at the interval of your choosing, so you’re always aware of how your users are doing and you can get in front of potential problems at the first sign of trouble.

device experience survey bot

The Device Experience Survey bot plays well with any of its survey cousins, but maybe especially the Post-Patch Survey bot, allowing you to gather tons of complementary data on your users’ IT experience.

Setup Time: 10-15 min.

Use Case: User Productivity

Recommended: User Productivity Bots

Post-Patch Survey

Gather feedback from your users after rolling out a major patch.

Find Invalid Certificates

Fix pesky app login issues before they happen.

Unused Software Survey

Ask your users about the software they aren’t using.